Get Ready for GivingTuesday |
GivingTuesday is December 3rd! I Live Here I Give Here is the community leader for GivingTuesday. We promote this event throughout Central Texas and encourage people to find a cause on AmplifyATX.org to support. Make sure your year-round profile is up to date by December 1 so that potential donors will see you at your best!
If you’re running a GivingTuesday campaign and want to use our branded design materials, head to the nonprofit toolkit to see our templates, downloads, and more.
Take Advantage of Free Trainings |
As a nonprofit member, anyone from your organization (staff or board member!) is able to sign up for these opportunities.
Raise More Money with Fundraising Champions
For the past 4 years, the data has shown that organizations raising money using Fundraising Champions on Amplify Austin Day raise 3.5x more than organizations who do not. Learn how to tap into this power and boost your fundraising! This nuts and bolts training will cover: who to recruit as your Fundraising Champions, when and how to make the ask, how to support your Champions once you have them, and ways to celebrate their impact. Members will leave with a recruitment plan.
Presented by Charli Krause, Director of Nonprofit & Customer Relations at I Live Here I Give Here
Thursday, November 7
12-1 pm, Virtual
Register for Training
Social Media Basics & Best Practices
Social media is essential to Amplify Austin Day success! In this session we'll discuss best practices for launching and monitoring effective social media campaigns. You’ll leave with practical strategies to create engaging content that connects with your donors to help your nonprofit reach campaign goals.
Presented by Robynne Parkington, Sr. Director of Strategic Marketing, Communications & Online Engagement
Wednesday, December 11
12-1 pm, Virtual
Register for Training
Did you miss a past training or are you looking for another topic?
You can watch our recordings on the training page of the nonprofit toolkit!